NBCUniversal’s streaming tjeneste Peacock rykker ind i Europa

NBCUniversal’s streaming tjeneste Peacock rykker ind i flere europæiske lande, hvor den lanceres hos britiske Sky, som en del af Sky Now / Ticket abonnementet uden meromkostninger.
Det er den første internationale lancering af Peacock uden for USA.
“Comcast’s Xfinity has been integral to the success of our go-to-market strategy with Peacock in the US, and we see a similar opportunity to expand internationally with Sky,” udtaler Jeff Shell, Chief Executive Officer, NBCUniversal. “We are excited to bring Peacock to millions of Sky customers and add incredible value to their platforms with a premium catalog of the best entertainment from across NBCUniversal that is included with their subscription. By leveraging Comcast’s Xfinity platforms in the US, we were able to test and learn, quickly drive scale, usage, and brand awareness of Peacock. We look forward to doing the same with Sky in Europe.”
I Danmark / Norden er det Viaplay / Nent Group, der har rettighedsaftale med NBCUniversal. Skulle NBCUniversal ønske at markedsføre sig under Peacock brandet også her, så kunne vi sagtens forestille os Peacock som en konkret indholdssektion i Viaplay.