Disney+ Nyt

Star Wars: De Hårde Hunde – Sæson 3

Serie | Sæson 3 | Action, Animation | 2021–2024
21 feb 2024

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Ugentligt frem til 1. maj 2024

Star Wars: De Hårde Hunde Sæson 3 | Disney+ | Trailer

Den tredje og sidste sæson af Star Wars: De Hårde Hunde har premiere eksklusivt på Disney+ den 21. februar med de første tre episoder.

In the epic final season of “Star Wars: The Bad Batch,” the Batch will have their limits tested in the fight to reunite with Omega as she faces challenges of her own inside a remote Imperial science lab. With the group fractured and facing threats from all directions, they will have to seek out unexpected allies, embark on dangerous missions, and muster everything they have learned to free themselves from the Empire.

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