
Viaplay lancerer Løvens Hule i Holland – Viaplay lanceres der fra 1. marts

Viaplay lanceres i Holland fra 1. marts, og nu melder man ud omkring sin første lokale produktion. Det bliver det velkendte format Løvens Hule, som Viaplay vil producere en hollandsk udgave af. Det er langt i hænderne på producenten Vincent TV.

Sony Pictures Television har rettighederne til formatet der produceres under en række forskellige navne rundt om i verdenen som ‘Shark Tank’, ‘Lions’ Den’ og  ‘Dragons’ Den’.

Filippa Wallestam, NENT Group Chief Content Officer: “Viaplay’s pitch to Dutch viewers is simple. We offer local and original productions, the best of Hollywood, high-quality kids content and the most attractive sports – all on a single service that represents excellent value for money. ‘Dragons’ Den’ is a proven format that blends the brilliant with the unexpected, and which has both kickstarted great businesses and entertained viewers around the world.”

Vincent ter Voert, Vincent TV Founder and Producer: “In the Netherlands, entrepreneurs-to-be have been waiting for the opportunity to start building their dreams. Now is the time to take this great format to the next level with Viaplay.”

Tjenesten får sportsfronten i Holland Formel 1, Bundesliga og fra august Premier League, som sine store rettighedstrækplastre.

Kilde: Viaplay presse

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