3 maj 2024

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Ugentligt frem til 14. juni 2024

Der er mere Welcome to Wrexham på vej på Disney+ i 2024, når Rob McElhenney og Ryan Reynolds ejerskab af det walisiske fodboldhold Wrexham AFC følges endnu engang.

De første to episoder af sæsonen på i alt otte frigives på premieredatoen.

Rob McElhenney (“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”) and Ryan Reynolds (“Deadpool”) navigate running the 3rd oldest professional football club in the world. “Welcome to Wrexham” is a docuseries tracking the dreams and worries of Wrexham, a working-class city in North Wales, UK, as two Hollywood stars guide the future of their historic Club.

In 2020, Rob and Ryan teamed up to purchase the 5th tier Red Dragons in the hopes of turning the Club into an underdog story the whole world could root for. The world took notice and change is afoot. After 15 painful seasons in the National League, the Club finally achieved promotion back into the English Football League. The stakes have never been higher as League Two brings a new level of intensity and the Club continues to be plagued with injury and setbacks. Dedicated staff and supporters celebrate the city’s return to glory while bracing for the new-found challenges that come with a return to the EFL. Will Wrexham AFC stand up to the challenge and rise again?

Meanwhile, Wrexham AFC’s Women’s Team, fresh off an undefeated season that saw them promoted to the Welsh Adran Premier League, continue to show why women were meant to be footballers. With new players, a new pitch, and a whole new level of competition, can they continue to dominate and make a name for themselves at the top of the League?

For the first time ever in season three, with the team taking their place in the EFL, “Welcome to Wrexham’s” cameras will have unprecedented access on the pitch, bringing viewers inside the locker room and alongside the players, while the action is unfolding in some of the biggest matches Wrexham AFC has ever played.

Hvor kan man se Welcome to Wrexham – Sæson 3?

Du kan se Welcome to Wrexham – Sæson 3 på Disney+ fra 3. maj 2024
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