
Unsolved Mysteries – Sæson 3

Dokumentar | 2020–
18 okt 2022

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Ugentligt frem til 1. november 2022

Unsolved Mysteries Volume 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix

Sande historier om gådefulde forsvindinger, chokerende mord og paranormale hændelser er drivkraften bag denne fængslende genindspilning af den ikoniske dokumentarserie.

Der er ni nye historier på vej i Unsolved Mysteries – Sæson 3, der vises over 3 uger fra 18. oktober.

Uge 1 – 18. oktober
Mystery at Mile Marker 45
Something in the Sky
Body in Bags

Uge 2 – 25. oktober
Death in a Vegas Motel
Paranormal Rangers
What Happened to Josh?

Uge 3 – 1. november
Body in the Bay
The Ghost in Apartment 14
Abducted by a Parent

Mystery at Mile Marker 45

Directed by Skye Borgman

When talented 18-year-old volleyball star Tiffany Valiante was hit by a train on a remote, unlit stretch of tracks in Mays Landing, New Jersey, authorities quickly ruled her case a suicide. However, Tiffany’s family and a team of pro bono experts believe she was murdered and her body, left on the tracks, to destroy the evidence.

Something in the Sky

Directed by Gabe Torres

On the night of March 8, 1994, hundreds of people called 911 to report strange lights hovering over Lake Michigan. Among the witnesses was Jack Bushong, a National Weather Service radar operator, who tracked the strange metallic objects on his radar equipment for hours. Now, 30 years later, Jack and others who witnessed the strange lights in the sky are ready to share the details of their life-changing experience.

Body in Bags

Directed by Donnie Eichar

When a beloved single father disappeared and was later found dead, there was only one suspect. The U.S. Marshals Task Force is on the hunt for his girlfriend who is now a fugitive from justice.

Death in a Vegas Motel

Directed by Skye Borgman

When “Buffalo Jim” Barrier, also known as “Las Vegas,’ Most Colorful Character,” was pronounced dead in a local motel in 2008, authorities ruled his death a drug-related accident. But it was quickly revealed that Buffalo Jim was receiving anonymous threats and warnings that he had been targeted for a “hit.” Barrier’s four daughters are convinced their beloved father’s death was not an accident⸺someone wanted him dead.

Paranormal Rangers

Directed by Clay Jeter

In 2000, Navajo Rangers Stan Milford and Jonathan Dover were tasked with investigating reports of paranormal activity that were taking place on the Navajo reservation. The now retired duo share their most intriguing encounters from a decade of service, including Bigfoot, UFOs, Skinwalkers and other unexplained phenomena.

What Happened to Josh?

Directed by Gabe Torres

In 2002, 20-year-old Joshua Guimond vanished after attending a party on the campus of St. John’s University in Minnesota. Despite massive searches, no trace of Josh has ever been found. Law enforcement has remained baffled by Josh’s mysterious disappearance until new evidence was recently discovered on his computer.

Body in the Bay

Directed by Robert M. Wise

Patrick Lee Mullins, a well-loved school librarian and experienced boater, was found floating in a shallow area of Tampa Bay, carefully tied to his own anchor. Detectives quickly assumed he committed suicide, but Patrick’s family believes that he encountered illegal activity during a boat outing and was killed and dumped in the Bay.

The Ghost in Apartment 14

Directed by Clay Jeter

After moving into a new apartment in Chico, California, terrifying and unexplained encounters with a restless ghost traumatized single mother, Jodi Foster, and her young daughter. They soon learned that a young woman, Marie Elizabeth Spannhake, who was allegedly abducted and murdered, had previously lived in their apartment⸺Apartment 14⸺four decades earlier, and her mysterious disappearance has yet to be solved.

Abducted by a Parent

Directed by Joie Jacoby

Two different single parents were blindsided when their children were abducted by their non-custodial parent. They cannot and will not stop searching for their children, who could be anywhere in the world.

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