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The Decameron is a soapy period dramedy that aims to examine the timely themes of class systems, power struggles, and survival in a time of pandemic, brought to life by an ensemble of characters both ridiculous and ill-fated. Set in 1348, the Black Death strikes hard in the city of Florence. A handful of nobles are invited to retreat with their servants to a grand villa in the Italian countryside and wait out the pestilence with a lavish holiday. But as social rules wear thin, what starts as a wine-soaked sex romp in the hills of Tuscany descends into an all out scramble for survival.

CAST: Tanya Reynolds, Jessica Plummer, Zosia Mamet, Tony Hale, Saoirse-Monica Jackson, Lou Gala, Amar Chadha-Patel, Karan Gill, and Leila Farzad

CREATOR: Kathleen Jordan

Hvor kan man se The Decameron?

Du kan se The Decameron på Netflix
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