TV Streaming premierer

Shared Custody – Sæson 1

Serie | Drama | 2025
24 jan 2025

This series tells the story of parents Cris and Diego, who have just separated by mutual agreement. Their intention is to be mature, responsible and friendly adults for the sake of their five-year-old daughter, but neither of them can afford to live alone and take care of her. Cris’ work is very absorbing and Diego does not have a fixed salary, so both are forced to move back to their respective parents’ houses. The grandparents are excited that their children and granddaughter are back in their lives, but things deteriorate rapidly. What began as an amicable separation soon takes a turn when they run into harsh reality.

Hvor kan man se Shared Custody – Sæson 1?

Du kan se Shared Custody – Sæson 1 på Disney+ fra 24. januar 2025
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