

Serie | Drama
Official Trailer | Shardlake | 1 May | Disney+

Shardlake er blandt den nye titler Disney+ tidligere har meldt ud er på vej heri 2024, og nu er der kommet en konkret dato på. Det bliver 1. maj at du kan se den.

Shardlake er et historisk mord mysterium i 4 episoder baseret på “Shardlake” bogserien af  af C. J. Sansom, der er sat i Henry VIII’s regeringstid i det 16. århundrede.

På rollelisten finder vi Arthur Hughes, Anthony Boyle og Sean Bean.

Arthur Hughes (fra ‘Then Barbara Met Alan’) spiller Matthew Shardlake, en advokat med en skarp retfærdighedssans og en af de få ærlige mænd i en verden fyldt med intriger og komplotter. Shardlake arbejder for Thomas Cromwell, spillet af Sean Bean (fra ‘Time’), den farlige og almægtige højre hånd til Henry VIII.

Mere fra den engelske pressemeddelelse:

Drenched in mystery, suspense and deception, this four-part drama, based on the first novel in Sansom’s series, is an eerie whodunnit adventure, set in 16th century England during the dissolution of the monasteries. Shardlake’s sheltered life as a lawyer is turned upside down when Cromwell instructs him to investigate the murder of one of his commissioners at a monastery in the remote town of Scarnsea. The commissioner was gathering evidence to close the monastery and it is now imperative for Cromwell’s own political survival that Shardlake both solves the murder and closes the monastery. He leaves Shardlake in no doubt that failure is not an option. Cromwell insists that he is accompanied by Jack Barak to Scarnsea, where the duo are met with hostility, suspicion and paranoia by the monks who fear for their future and will seemingly stop at nothing to preserve their order.

Arthur Hughes (“Then Barbara Met Alan”) plays Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer with an acute sense of justice and one of the few honest men in a world beset with scheming and plots. Shardlake works for Thomas Cromwell, played by Sean Bean (“Time”) the dangerous and all-powerful right-hand man to Henry VIII. Anthony Boyle (“Masters of the Air”) plays the cocky Jack Barak, who leaves Shardlake unsure of whether he is an assistant, or Cromwell’s spy.

The series also stars Babou Ceesay as Abbot Fabian, Paul Kaye as Brother Jerome, Ruby Ashbourne Serkis as Alice Fewterer, Peter Firth as Norfolk, Matthew Steer as Goodhap, Brian Vernel as Brother Mortimus, Irfan Shamji as Brother Guy, David Pearse as Brother Edwig, Miles Barrow as Brother Gabriel, Mike Noble as Bugge and Kimberley Nixon as Joan.

Hvor kan man se Shardlake?

Du kan se Shardlake på Disney+ fra 1. maj 2024
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