2015 TV dyst i USA – Hvem bliver King of TV
For 11. gang kører en amerikansk forhandler en shootout mellem forskellige tv modeller. Det sker på CE Week messen i New York.
Value Electronics Flat Panel TV Shootout 2015 består i år af følgende TV
- LG’s 65EG9600 OLED
- Panasonic’s TC-65CX850U
- Samsung’s UN78JS9500
- Sony’s XBR-75X940C
Vinderen findes i flere delkategorier, og samtidig tælles der sammen så man kårer King of TV 2015.
Her lidt information om dysten på engelsk.
The displays will be professionally calibrated to ensure they are all delivering their best performance and are all on an even playing field.
Contrast ratio, peak brightness, black level, color accuracy, color saturation, motion resolution, input-lag time, and energy efficiency will be measured, compared, and discussed.
The audience will vote on each of the four picture quality attributes, with the winning panel crowned “King of TV” for 2015.
All tested panels will be concurrently fed through a professional HDMI distribution amp from three reference Blu-ray players, our 4K media server, 4K streaming and USB.
Vi skal nok følge op på på resultatet.