SES og Samsung har testet Ultra HD transmission med High Dynamic Range
SES og Samsung har fremvist verdens første DVB transmission af Ultra HD (UHD) TV, der bruger High Dynamic Range (HDR) -teknologi.
Demoen fandt sted som de en del af deårlige SES Industry Days i Luxembourg, der finder sted onsdag og torsdag i denne uge.
Transmissionen skete via SES satellit på 19,2 grader øst med DVB UHD fase 1 specifikationer og BBC Research & Developments High Dynamic Range (HDR) -teknologi direkte til et Samsung SUHD TV.
Hybrid Gamma (HDR) -teknologien muliggør samtidig levering af Standard Dynamic Range til eksisterende UHD tv og High Dynamic Range til den nye generation UHD TV gennem samme transmission.
Netflix er på vej med HDR indhold, men det er altså også en mulighed via andre signalveje, som demoen viser.
Her nogle kommentarer på demoen.
“High Dynamic Range (HDR) will significantly enhance how consumers will experience television in the future,” udtaler Thomas Wrede, Vice President, Reception Systems hos SES. “An introduction of any HDR technology must be backwards compatible with existing DVB UHD 1 Phase 1 flat screen TVs that are already in consumers’ homes. SES and Samsung, with this transmission over the ASTRA satellite system, are demonstrating that this backwards compatibility is possible today.”
“Samsung is delighted to participate in this demonstration of a monumental step forward for the broadcast industry,” tiføjerJohn Adam, head of business development and industrial affairs ved Samsung Research UK. “By delivering UHD TV services that can address the growing market of UHD Phase 1 TVs, while also providing the best experience to consumers who are investing in the next generation of TV, Samsung is ready to fully endorse the BBC Research & Development’s HDR technology as part of our overall drive towards the best consumer experience in UHD TV.”
Kilde: Broadband TV News