TV Streaming premierer

Vietnam: The War That Changed America

31 jan 2025
Apple TV+

The unique series combines first-person testimony and immersive archival footage to tell the extraordinary, personal and profoundly human stories of those who lived through the war, and the changed America that emerged in its wake.

Commissioned to mark the 50th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the war in Vietnam.

· The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial wars in United States history, and as battles were beamed into the nation’s living rooms night after night, widespread protests led to a fundamental shift in America’s national identity. Hundreds of film crews captured the action as it unfolded on the battlefield and now, through meticulous journalism, “Vietnam: The War That Changed America” tracks down the soldiers and civilians on all sides who lived through the war, bringing them together, often for the first time in almost half a century. Each episode features powerful reunions and the emotional stories told by those who faced agonizing life or death situations and impossible moral decisions. Across six episodes a picture also builds of the profound changes to America itself, and a very different country that emerged out of the war.

· “Vietnam: The War That Changed America” is produced for Apple TV+ by the BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning team at 72 Films, directed by Rob Coldstream (“John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial”) and produced by Caroline Marsden (“9/11: One Day in America”), with executive producers David Glover (“9/11: One Day in America”) and Mark Raphael (“Crime and Punishment”). This series marks the second collaboration for Apple TV+ and 72 Films, following the launch of “John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial” last year.

Hvor kan man se Vietnam: The War That Changed America?

Du kan se Vietnam: The War That Changed America på Apple TV+ fra 31. januar 2025
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