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The Saint of Second Chances

Film | Drama | 2023

Mike Veeck grew up in the shadow of his hustler father, Hall of Fame baseball owner Bill Veeck. The Veeck name became both legendary and notorious in professional baseball as they introduced the fun at ballparks — giveaways, theme nights, fireworks, and more. But it all came to a screeching halt when Mike blew up his father’s career. Exiled from the game he loved, the younger Veeck spent the next few decades clawing his way up from rock bottom, determined to redeem himself. After receiving distressing news, what started as a journey to reclaim the family legacy, became an opportunity to appreciate that family more fully. Directed by Academy Award winner Morgan Neville (20 Feet From Stardom) and Jeff Malmberg (Marwencol), narrated by Jeff Daniels, and featuring Charlie Day as a younger Veeck, The Saint of Second Chances is wildly unexpected, full of heart, and keeps you laughing through a comeback story unlike any other.

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