TV Streaming premierer

The One that got away


About The One That Got Away (Premiering June 24 on Prime Video)
It may seem like an impossible feat to track down The One That Got Away, but for these lucky singles, that dream becomes a reality. In this time-traveling, experimental dating series hosted by pop-icon, singer/songwriter Betty Who, six people searching for their soulmates are given the chance to explore a lifetime of missed connections as one by one, people from their pasts enter through “The Portal” to surprise them and take their shot at love.

The One That Got Away is produced by Amazon Studios and Fulwell 73. Elan Gale (FBoy Island, The Bachelor franchise) serves as executive producer and showrunner. Gabe Turner (The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jonas Family Roast) and Caroline Roseman (Ex on the Beach, An Audience with Adele) also serve as executive producers for Fulwell 73.

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