TV Streaming premierer

The Darkness within La Luz del Mundo


In this gut-wrenching documentary, survivors share their stories of how they were abused by three generations of La Luz del Mundo church leaders.

In 2019, Naasón Joaquín García, leader of La Iglesia de La Luz del Mundo and self-proclaimed “Apostle of Jesus Christ”, was arrested in the United States on 26 charges, including human trafficking, rape and child pornography. The news sparked a lengthy battle between multiple whistleblowers seeking justice and a congregation staunchly defending their leader. This documentary is a deep and intimate account through the voices of members and former members of the church. For the first time, the testimony of women who decided to denounce the authorities that suffered in the name of the faith will be heard, leaving behind what they believed and facing the powerful apostle and the church that once meant everything for them.

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