
The Blacklist – Sæson 10

Serie | Thriller | 2013–2023
IMDB vurdering 7.9

Med sin 10. sæson så er ved at være slut for NBC serien The Blacklist. Sæsonen blev vist først på Viaplay og i februar 2024 kommer den på Netflix

Der har været spekuleret i at serien var ved at nå sin afslutning også fordi Spaders originale co-lead, Megan Boone, og skaberen og co-showrunner Jon Bokenkamp forlod The Blacklist i slutningen af sæson otte. Nu bekræfter NBC så at sæson 10 bliver seriens sidste.

“We thank our wonderful partners at NBC for a remarkable 10 seasons of The Blacklist, the series that introduced the world to Raymond Reddington, brilliantly portrayed by James Spader,” said Sony Pictures Television Studios co-president Jason Clodfelter. “James has led a multi-talented and diverse cast that also featured legendary guest stars and hundreds of Blacklisters who made us all root for this antihero. We tip our Reddington hat to the dedicated production staff, hard-working crew and talented writers. The unpredictable plot twists have produced a legacy TV show that served to entertain a worldwide audience and as we enter the final season, we can’t wait for audiences to see how Raymond Reddington takes a final bow.”

Added showrunner John Eisendrath, “After 10 years, hundreds of Blacklist cases and more than 200 episodes produced, we’re honored to reach our conclusion. It’s been incredibly fun to create the strange, devious and delightful Blacklisters to challenge Raymond Reddington and our FBI Task Force each week. We would like to thank everyone at NBC and Sony, our extraordinary crew who make the impossible happen every day, our endlessly inventive writers and producers, and our remarkable cast who brought life to these characters. We appreciate our dedicated fan base who came along for this wonderful ride and are excited to share this final season with them.”

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