TV Streaming premierer

The Big Door Prize – Sæson 2

Serie | Sæson 2 | Drama, Komedie, Scifi | 2023–2024
24 apr 2024
Apple TV+

Stream her på Apple TV+
Ugentligt frem til 19. juni 2024

The Big Door Prize — Season 2 Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Based on M.O. Walsh’s novel, “The Big Door Prize” season two follows the residents of Deerfield as the Morpho machine readies them for the mysterious “next stage.” As everyone’s potentials are exchanged for visions, new relationships form and new questions are asked. Dusty (Chris O’Dowd) and Cass (Gabrielle Dennis) decide to take time apart while Trina (Djouliet Amara) and Jacob (Sammy Fourlas) learn that they can shed their old labels. Giorgio (Josh Seggara) and Izzy (Crystal Fox) each find romance while Hana (Ally Maki) and Father Reuben (Damon Gupton) attempt to discover the purpose of the machine. The small town is once again left questioning what they thought they knew about their lives, relationships, potentials, and about the Morpho itself.

“The Big Door Prize” features an ensemble cast led by Emmy Award winner O’Dowd, Dennis, Maki, Gupton, Segarra, Fox, Fourlas and Amara, and is produced by Skydance Television and CJ ENM/Studio Dragon.

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