TV Streaming premierer

The Beautiful Game follows a team of English homeless footballers, led by their coach Mal (Bill Nighy), who travel from London to Rome to compete in a global annual football tournament — The Homeless World Cup. At the last minute they decide to bring with them a talented striker, Vinny (Micheal Ward), but he must confront his own issues and once-promising past, in order to help the team win the cup and move on with his own life. In Rome, just as in life, everything’s to play for.

CAST: Bill Nighy (Living, About Time), Micheal Ward (Empire of Light, The Book of Clarence), Susan Wokoma, Callum Scott Howells, Kit Young (Shadow and Bone, upcoming FX series Alien), Sheyi Cole, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Robin Nazari, Aoi Okuyama, Cristina Rodlo, Tadashi Watanabe, Kazuhiro Muroyama, and Valeria Golino

DIRECTOR: Thea Sharrock (Me Before You, Wicked Little Letters)

Hvor kan man se The Beautiful Game?

Du kan se The Beautiful Game på Netflix fra 29. marts 2024
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