

Serie | Thriller
Suspicion — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Apple TV+ har premiere 4.  februar på deres nye thriller serie Suspicion. Serien har Uma Thurman i hovedrollen.

Af andre skuespillernavne i serien kan nævnes: Kunal Nayyar (“The Big Bang Theory”), Noah Emmerich (“The Americans”), Georgina Campbell (“Black Mirror”), Elizabeth Henstridge (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Tom Rhys-Harries (“White Lines”), Elyes Gabel (“Scorpion”) og Angel Coulby (“Dancing on the Edge”).

Suspicion er på 8 afsnit, der frigives to afsnit på premieredagen, derefter følger ugentlige afsnit.

Suspicion – det handler den om

When the son of a prominent American businesswoman (Thurman) is kidnapped from a New York hotel, the eye of suspicion quickly falls on four seemingly ordinary British citizens who were at the hotel on the night in question. As they find themselves in a trans-Atlantic cat and mouse race to evade the combined forces of the National Crime Agency and the FBI to prove their innocence, it becomes apparent that not everyone can be trusted. Who is really behind the mysterious abduction, and who is only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

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