
Servant – Sæson 4

Serie | Thriller | 2019–2023
13 jan 2023
Apple TV+

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Ugentligt frem til 17. marts 2023

Servant — Season 4 Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Servant er tilbage på Apple TV+ med sin fjerde sæson. Den psykologiske thriller serie starter de nye afsnit fra 13. januar.

Der er 10 episoder på vej og Apple frigiver dem ugentligt.

Servant er skabt af M. Night Shyamalan og følger et par i Philadelphia, der rammes af en usigelig tragedie, som skaber splid i ægteskabet og lukker en mystisk kraft ind i deres hjem.

Her er hvad Apple TV+ skriver om den nye sæson:

Following the suspenseful season three finale, season four will bring the final chapter of the Turner story to an epic and emotional conclusion. Leanne’s war with the Church of Lesser Saints heightens, threatening Spruce Street, the city of Philadelphia, and beyond. Meanwhile, the shattered Turner family must not only confront the increasing threat of Leanne, but the certain reality that Dorothy is waking up. As the Turner family brownstone continues to crumble, questions are finally answered: who is Leanne Grayson and who is the child in their home?

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