TV Streaming premierer

Selling Sunset – Sæson 7


Luxe real estate. Major drama. The top real estate brokers at The Oppenheim Group are back! Selling Sunset, a Netflix reality series set in the world of LA’s high-end real estate, follows seven of the city’s most successful female realtors who all work under the same roof at the #1 agency in the Hollywood Hills and the Sunset Strip. They work hard and play harder, as they compete with the cutthroat LA market and each other. These ladies will do what it takes to make it to the top of their game, all while trying to keep their personal lives intact. This season, new agents mean new drama. The realtors of The Oppenheim Group return with sleek penthouse listings, personality clashes, and pregnancies — and throw enough shade to cover every cabana in Los Angeles. Welcome to Selling Sunset.

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