Apple TV+

Prime Target

Serie | Drama
Apple TV+

Apple TV+ på vej med en drama / konspirations thriller serie med titlen Prime Target, der har Sidse Babett Knudsen på rollelisten, som også tæller navne som Quintessa Swindell, Leo Woodall (Samme dag næste år), Stephen Rea, David Morrissey, Martha Plimpton, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Jason Flemyng, Harry Lloyd, Ali Suliman, Fra Fee og Joseph Mydell.

Prime Target er på 8 episoder og Apple melder den til at få premiere snart uden nogen konkret premieredato.

Her mere om handlingen fra pressemeddelsen:

“Prime Target” features a brilliant young math postgraduate, Edward Brooks (played by Woodall), on the verge of a major breakthrough. If he succeeds in finding a pattern in prime numbers, he will hold the key to every computer in the world. Soon he begins to realize an unseen enemy is trying to destroy his idea before it’s even born, which throws him into the orbit of Taylah Sanders, a female NSA agent (played by Swindell) who’s been tasked with watching and reporting on the mathematician’s behavior. Together they start to unravel the troubling conspiracy Edward is at the heart of.

Hvor kan man se Prime Target?

Du kan se Prime Target på Apple TV+
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