TV Streaming premierer

Pachinko – sæson 2

Serie | Sæson 2 | Drama | 2022–
23 aug 2024
Apple TV+

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Ugentligt frem til 11. oktober 2024

Pachinko — Season 2 Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Told in three languages – Korean, Japanese, and English – and consisting of eight, one-hour episodes, season two of “Pachinko” will premiere globally on Friday, August 23 with one episode, followed by one episode weekly every Friday through October 11. Hailing from Media Res, “Pachinko,” has been celebrated for its epic storytelling and praised as “an immersive, poignant, must-see journey.” The series quickly became Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes during its first season and has been praised as “masterful” and deemed as “an extraordinary drama” and “one of the best shows of 2022.”

Based on The New York Times bestselling novel of the same name, “Pachinko” is a sweeping and deeply moving story of love and survival across four generations. The first season received eleven international awards including a Peabody Award, an American Film Institute Award, a Critics Choice Award and a Gotham Independent Film Award. Season two stars Lee Minho, Minha Kim, Anna Sawai, Yuh-Jung Youn, Jin Ha, Eunchae Jung, Soji Arai, Junwoo Han, and Sungkyu Kim.

“Pachinko” is created and written by Soo Hugh who serves as executive producer alongside Media Res’ Michael Ellenberg and Lindsey Springer, and Theresa Kang for Blue Marble Pictures. Season two is directed by Leanne Welham, Arvin Chen, and Sang-il Lee.

Hvor kan man se Pachinko – sæson 2?

Du kan se Pachinko – sæson 2 på Apple TV+ fra 23. august 2024
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