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Mysteries of the Faith

Mysteries of the Faith | Official Trailer | Netflix

With unprecedented access to holy sites across the world, MYSTERIES OF THE FAITH explores the secrets of Christianity’s most legendary treasures. From the Crown of Thorns to the iconic Holy Grail, these cherished relics have inspired millions for centuries. Steeped in myth and legend, and credited with miracles, they have shaped human history. Now, for the first time, global audiences can witness the hidden power and evolving mystique of these sacred objects as never before.

Episode Descriptions:

Episode 1

Threatened by a devastating fire in 2019, the fate of the Crown of Thorns hangs in the balance. What does this unique artifact and its epic survival story over centuries of turmoil mean to the faithful and how does its continue to inspire people today? In Spain, an emotional pilgrimage seeks a treasure that has obsessed mankind for centuries – the Holy Grail.

Episode 2

In the centuries-old quest to find the Holy Grail, two cities make compelling claims to have finally found the Cup used by Christ at the Last Supper, whilst the inhabitants of the tiny Italian town of Manoppello reveal how a veil cared for by an ancient order of monks has the power to perform miracles.

Episode 3

In the world’s largest Catholic nation, Brazil, fragments of the Holy Cross upon which Jesus is said to have been crucified are locked securely inside the cathedral of Rio de Janeiro. But the priest charged with the care and security of this priceless relic believes the cross belongs to the people, and embarks on a mission to take it out into one of the city’s favelas.

Episode 4

In Sicily, Italy, the brutal murder of a judge – who had been investigating the mafia – gives birth to a new legend. The killing creates a modern martyr, and Judge Livatino’s bloodstained shirt is now paraded to the faithful as a symbol of ‘everyday saints’ who can give hope to others.

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