Disney+ melder at National Geographic har bestilt en sæson 2 af Limitless with Chris Hemsworth. Første sæson af programserien havde premiere på Disney+ 16. november 2022.
Disney+ melder i samme forbindelse at den anerkendte filmskaber Darren Aronofsky slår sig sammen med Chris Hemsworth og Jane Roots Nutopia i den næste sæson af LIMITLESS, hvor turen går forbi Nepal, Italien, Australien og Storbritannien.
Mere fra den amerikanske pressemeddelelse:
In season one, Hemsworth pushed the limits of his body and mind to discover how fasting can unlock the body’s anti-aging power, how to manage stress so it doesn’t kill you, and how exposure to extreme temperatures can trigger our bodies’ own defenses against the killer diseases of old age, all in a quest to live a longer, healthier life. Now, in this next installment, he’s taking on four more epic challenges on a global journey through Nepal, Italy, Australia, and the United Kingdom to help him — and us — understand how to live not just longer, but better. LIMITLESS creators Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel of Protozoa Pictures return to executive produce season two; Jane Root and Tom Watt-Smith are executive producers for Nutopia; and Chris Hemsworth and Ben Grayson are executive producers for Wild State.