
Kærlighed og Anarki – Sæson 2

Serie | Komedie
Kærlighed og anarki: sæson 2 | Officiel trailer | Netflix

Netflix komedien Kærlighed og Anarki er tilbage med sin anden sæson fra 16. juni. Der er flere danskere på rollelisten i den nye sæson herunder David Dencik og Marina Bouras.

Kærlighed og Anarki – Sæson 2 – det handler den om

Fra Netflix engelske pressemeddelelse: In Season 2 newly divorced Sofie is trying to create a life for herself and Max. Due to unforeseen events she instead finds herself in the middle of a life crisis, something that also has huge consequences on her relationship with Max and nothing turns out the way they had hoped. Simultaneously, the small publishing house Lund & Lagersted is doing its best to tackle the very traditional literary world, whilst also trying to navigate the new opportunities that society offers today. It doesn’t take long before conflicts start to arise between the old and the new, between great art and financial realities. But what is right and wrong, what is normal and abnormal, and what is truly real – and does it even matter? In the midst of all this turmoil we find our characters as they are trying to make sense of love, life and themselves.

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