TV Streaming premierer

Invisible – Sæson 1

Serie | Drama | 2024

Invisible is the miniseries that will tell the story of a twelve-year-old boy who after an accident that almost costs him his life, while recovering at home, he reveals to his psychologist that he has the power of invisibility and that, one day, he flew with a dragon. Through his fantasy-laden vision, a story is told of a boy who, for no apparent reason, one day start to get bullied at school. As he becomes more isolated, he can’t believe that even his best friends won’t do anything to help him. The only explanation he can think of is that it is because no one can see him. Like superheroes, he has managed to make himself invisible. However, there is one person who does want to help him: a teacher, new to the school, who will try to make the invisible visible.

Hvor kan man se Invisible – Sæson 1?

Du kan se Invisible – Sæson 1 på Disney+ fra 13. december 2024
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