TV Streaming premierer

Grace – Sæson 2

Serie | Krimi
27 maj 2022

Britisk krimiserie fra 2022 efter romaner af Peter James.

Den pligtopfyldende kriminalkommissær Roy Grace og makkeren Glenn Branson efterforsker brutale mord i den britiske kystby Brighton. Samtidig plages Grace af sin kones mystiske forsvinden for seks år siden.

Grace har givet sit liv til politiet, men alligevel har hans sammenstød med sin chef, ACC Vosper, holdt hans karriere tilbage gennem årene.

Der er 4 nye sager der skal løses i den nye sæson 2, der altså har premiere på DRTV fra 27. maj.

Læs mere om de sager herunder:

Looking Good Dead opens with a young woman’s body being found butchered in Brighton, reminding Roy Grace of his own missing wife and her unsolved fate. Elsewhere in the city, when Zack Bryce finds a USB stick left on a train, he simply tries to do the right thing and return it to its owner. But this attempted act of kindness makes him the sole witness to that same vicious murder. Learning that Zack has made a statement to Grace’s team, the killers have to act. But when they plan the murder of the Bryce family, it’s not just revenge — it’s entertainment.

Not Dead Enough sees Grace and Branson investigating the murder of wealthy socialite and patron of local charities, Katya Bishop, wife of a prominent Brighton entrepreneur, played by ex Doctor Who actor Arthur Darvill, who becomes the main suspect in the investigation. The Bishops seem to have a charmed life until Grace digs deeper behind the respectable facade and discovers all is not what it seems. Doing so, however, places him unknowingly in grave danger.

In Dead Man’s Footsteps, Grace leads the inquiry into the discovery of a woman’s skeletal remains in an old storm drain, believed to be the wife of a failed Brighton conman, who died several years prior in a plane crash. Grace must retrace the man’s steps in the years before his death, which leads him on a murky trail through the world of Brighton’s oldest crime families but it’s not only on the professional front that Roy is chasing ghosts.

When in Dead Tomorrow a body is dredged up from the seabed of the English Channel it initially appears a burial at sea gone wrong, but a strange incision on the victim soon points to something very sinister. When two more bodies are found, news spreads like wildfire through Sussex and Grace begins to unearth that this is part of an altogether more chilling design, one which forces him to confront the question of just how far anyone would go to save the ones they love.

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