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Girls5Eva – sæson 3



The members of the late ’90s girl-group Girls5eva — Dawn, Wickie, Summer, and Gloria — have reunited and recorded a new album, Returnity, so it’s time for the next logical step: a comeback tour. With no plan, tour manager, or venues secured, the ladies pile into a van and hit the great unknown, doing their damnedest to promote their album and get back on top. In the process, Girls5eva will grapple with life on the road, see their relationships tested, play a billionaire’s birthday party, sow their oats, confront parents they believe held them back, cross paths with the biggest pop star on the planet, and question if they really want “the big time” again. Will Girls5eva fast-track their comeback and sell their tour documentary in the process? Or will the road destroy them?

CAST: Sara Bareilles, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Paula Pell, and Busy Philipps

CREATOR: Meredith Scardino

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