
Criminal Record

Serie | Krimi
Apple TV+


Apple+ har givet grønt lys til en ny London krimi-thriller med titlen “Criminal Record”. Serien er på 8 episoder og har Peter Capaldi (Doctor Who) og Cush Jumbo (The Good Wife , The Good Fight) i hovedrollerne.

Serien er i øjeblikket i produktion i London og er produceret til Apple TV+ af Tod Productions og STV Studios.

“Criminal Record” is a powerful, character-driven thriller set in the heart of contemporary London. An anonymous phone call draws two brilliant detectives into a confrontation over an old murder case, one a young woman in the early stages of her career; the other a well-connected man determined to protect his legacy. The series touches on issues of race, institutional failure, and the quest to find common ground in a polarized Britain. Peter Capaldi (“Doctor Who,” “The Thick of It”) stars as Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Hegarty and Cush Jumbo (“The Good Wife,” “The Good Fight,” “The Beast Must Die”) stars as Detective Sergeant June Lenker.

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