TV Streaming premierer

Botched – Sæson 7A

19 maj 2021

The doctors are in! World-renowned Drs. Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow bring their unparalleled surgical skills and hilarious banter back to the O.R. for another season of mind-blowing patient transformations. From heartbreaking to jaw-dropping, the doctors once again take on life-changing surgeries with patients who have not only been “botched” by bad plastic surgery, but have experienced harrowing physical trauma from inexplicable genetic defects and nightmare-inducing accidents. Featuring themed episodes like “I Got Dumped Because of My Plastic Surgery,” “I Should Have Done My Homework,” and “Surgical Secrets Revealed,” this season pushes the doctors to pursue innovative new treatments as they grapple with some of the most complicated cases of their careers

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