I anledningen af den internationale James Bond-dage præsenterer Prime Video teaser traileren til den nye UK Original eventyrserie om et gameshow 007: Road to a Million. Du kan her få et første glimt af Brian Cox som “The Controller.” 007: Road to a Million, der er produceret af skaberne bag James Bond-filmene. I eventyrserien følger vi ni par, der bliver sendt på en krævende test rundt om i verden gennem en række af Bond-inspirerede udfordringer med chancen for at vinde en formue på en million pund.
“The Controller” (Brian Cox) er hjernen bag spillet, og det er ham, der dikterer, hvor parrene bevæger sig hen, og hvad de skal gøre, mens de skal besvare spørgsmål undervejs. Han overvåger hvert pars rejse og følger med stor fornøjelse det drama, der udspiller sig i tråd med hans ubarmhjertige udfordringer.
“The Controller” har gemt ti spørgsmål til hvert par rundt omkring i verden, og de skal besvares for at vinde millionen. For at finde spørgsmålene skal parrene stå ansigt til ansigt med Bond-inspirerede udfordringer, der uden tvivl vil sætte parrenes fysiske og mentale styrker på prøve. Hvert korrekt svar udløser flere penge og giver adgang til næste spørgsmål i rækken. Bliver spørgsmålet besvaret forkert, er deres rejse ovre.
Teaseren viser små glimt af fantastiske steder som det vilde skotske højland, Chiles isolerede Atacama-ørken, Venedigs travle stræder og de majestætiske schweiziske alper. Serien er spækket med udfordringer, der sætter følelserne i gang og skubber seeren ud på kanten af sædet.
007’s Road to a Million Deltagere
James and Joey grew up in South West London in a family of four siblings. Despite the six-year age gap the brothers have always been good friends. Joey trained as an electrician before completing The Knowledge in his twenties becoming a black cab driver. He has since returned to the trade and runs his own electrician business. James is a creative and describes himself as a “copy writer by day and musician by night”. When his copyrighting work dried up at the start of the pandemic, he returned to his first love, music, and recorded a folk/punk-inspired album. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy, putting on shows at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Jen trained as a nurse in Dorset and became a prison nurse, then joined the RAF reserves and trained to go to Afghanistan to assist with Aeromedical evacuation in 2010, bringing injured soldiers’ home. She then ran a medical clinic in Kabul at the British Embassy before going to Australia, where she worked on Christmas Island with asylum seekers. Recently, Jen has been working in Guyana, providing medical care to crews working offshore on drill ships, and now is back in the UK doing local agency work. Beth has worked in emergency departments internationally, and her specialty is emergency care. She’s worked in expedition medicine with ultra-marathon runners in the Amazon and the Arctic Circle. She now works as an advanced clinical practitioner in Gloucestershire in the urgent care clinic.
Kamara and Josh met at work while they were working as youth workers in their local community. They bonded over their shared love of travel, anthropology, and interest in different cultures. Despite their different cultural backgrounds and worries that their families would disapprove, love blossomed, and they became an item. Kamara is more daring and riskier than Josh, when a decision needs to be made, she will take the lead.
They’re only 18 months apart and their family sees them more as twins than older or younger siblings. They’ve lived in Bahrain and Dubai but also spent time growing up in the UK, deciding to do their university studies there. They now live with their grandparents in London. They see ‘home’ as between the UK and Dubai, where their parents live and work. Sana is a process engineer and Saiqa is a fraud analyst.
James and Sam are father and son who share a close bond, but James is often away for up to eight weeks due to working on oil rigs, which has left him feeling like an ‘absent father’, but he now wants to make up for lost time and make lasting memories with his teenage son before he becomes an adult. Sam idolises his dad, describing their relationship more like a ‘friendship’. Sam recently moved out after studying for his A-levels during the pandemic and has been working as a bar tender in a tapas restaurant (he’s trying to learn Spanish).
Peas in a pod, these two retired police officers enjoy laughing their way through life, but their years of service mean they’re calm under pressure. Having found themselves in many dangerous and life threatening situations throughout the years, they tend to look for the lighter side of things to help them cope. Their M.O. is ‘Take nothing seriously.’
They met 10 years ago through their wives when Danny was new on the scene and was being introduced as his now-wife’s new partner. They soon connected over the fact that their fathers come from the same parish in Jamaica, which has given them a good grounding and understanding of each other. Fast forward a decade and Danny says they are “brothers from another mother”.
They met in 2012 while they were both working at Capital Radio in Glasgow and bonded over giving out leaflets in cold shopping centres and driving around as runners for the station. Both are now fully fledged radio presenters, with Daniella having presented on Radio 1 and Grace has her morning breakfast show. They share a love of their native Scotland and feel passionately about representing their beloved nation as wee Scottish lasses.
Tanaka describes James as a ladies’ man and remembers a “swarm of girls” around him at school, whilst Tanaka was the school sports star. They remained close friends throughout university and often visited each other and have since shared travelling trips to Brazil, South Africa, and Colombia. They have a warm, loyal, fun friendship and are full of respect for one another.