Nye Pioneer fladskærme hos Elgiganten
Pioneer var berømte for deres Kuro fladskærme, der havde en imponerende sortniveau, og nu vender Pioneer så tilbage med nye fladskærme på det danske marked. Desværre er der dog kun LED modeller.
Det er Dixons, der i Danmark ejer Elgiganten, der bringer Pioneer modeller i butikkerne fra December måned. Skærmene skulle være med 3D + Smart TV understøttelse og HDMI, USB + WiFi, ifølge Engadget.
Her er nogle reaktioner fra pressemeddelelsen:
Sebastian James, Dixons Retail Group Chief Executive said: “We are very excited to be working with Pioneer, a legendary brand in the world of technology, on its return to the European TV market. Today’s partnership reflects our reputation for excellence which we have worked hard to build during the last 40 years we have been operating in Hong Kong. This exclusive partnership is fantastic news, allowing us to offer the newest and latest TV technologies to our customers.”
Yoshihide Beppu, Business Planning Director of Pioneer Home Electronics Corporation said: “We’re delighted to collaborate with Dixons Retail. With our unparalleled reputation for cutting edge technology and sophisticated designs, we know these technologically advanced high-end TVs have a unique place within the market. Our decision to work with Dixons Retail was a natural one, as we highly value their clear customer focus, market leading positions and innovative approach to retailing. With their highly respectful approach to the premium positioning of the Pioneer brand, alongside our loyal customer base, we believe this is a winning combination and we’re excited to watch these new products transport customers in to a world of fun, entertainment and interactivity.”