TV produktnyt

Ny FIFA+ app klar til Samsung TV, LG og Android TV

FIFA melder at deres FIFA+ app er klar til Samsung TV, LG og Android TV.

FIFA+  byder på en bred vifte af originaler, live-udsendelser og et omfattende arkiv. Den igangværende VM for Kvinder kan også ses på tjenesten med interviews, højdepunkter, fulde kampe, dog først efter 24 timer da Viaplay Group har rettighederne først.

“We are excited to bring FIFA+ to fans through these connected TV apps and FAST channel platforms , extending our reach and making football more accessible to a wider audience,” said Charlotte Burr, FIFA’s Director of Strategy, Digital and FIFA+.

“Our goal is to connect fans from every corner of the world and provide them with unrivalled access to the sport they love. This expansion is a significant step towards achieving that vision and bringing the beautiful game to everyone. Every innovation we make is rooted in growing the game, and we want to thank all the CTV and FAST platforms for their support in making this happen.

Kilde: Fifa

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