
Netflix på vej med Formel 1 dokumentarserie

Netflix er på vej med en Formel 1 dokumentarserie på 10 episoder. Blandt producerne er James Gay-Rees, der også stod bag dokumentaren Senna.

Dokumentarserien skulle få adgang til kører, hold og ejerne af Formel 1 Liberty Media, altså et indblik i alle led af sporten.

Der er forventeligt premiere på dokumentarserien engang i 2019.

Sean Bratches, F1 Managing Director of Commercial Operations: “Formula 1 is a global sport that we are actively repositioning from a motorsport company to a media and entertainment brand. The agreement with Netflix serves to chronicle the fascinating story of what transpires behind the scenes during a grand prix season. This is a perspective of the sport that has yet to be unveiled to fans around the world. This series will unleash a compelling vantage point to the sport that will delight fans and serve as a catalyst to entice new fans.”

Ian Holmes, Director of Media rights: “We are delighted to welcome a Netflix Original to Formula 1, a brand which has screened so many successful productions. This collaboration represents a new way of capturing our sport in all of its exciting aspects. There is nothing like F1, its layers of engineering complexity, allied to the enormity of human endeavour required to get through a Grand Prix season. The chance to present our sport through Netflix, to their worldwide audience, in an original and unique format, is something that we are very much looking forward to. This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase F1 and attract new fans to the sport.”

Bela Bajaria, Vice President of Content for Netflix: “This partnership with Formula 1 furthers our mission of working with world-class brands and production partners to produce best-in-class unscripted series. We can’t wait for this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix and to embark on an incredible season across the world.”

Kilde: Formel 1

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