Google køber Sage TV
Google har købt Sage TV, der siden 2002 har leveret Mediacenter software til Windows, Linux og MAC og som også har en streaming tjeneste af tv via nettet.
Prisen for handlen er ikke oplyst ligesom Google endnu ikke har meldt noget ud om hvordan Sage TV’s fremtid ser ud. Lige nu er alt lukket på hjemmesiden bortset fra forummet, og noget kunne tyde på at Sage TV som selvstændigt projekt er dødt, og Sage teamet fremover vil arbejde med nyt for Google.
Her Sage TV’s kommentar:
“Since 2002, we’ve worked to change the TV viewing experience by building cutting-edge software and technology that allows you to create and control your media center from multiple devices. And as the media landscape continues to evolve, we think it’s time our vision of entertainment management grows as well. By teaming up with Google, we believe our ideas will reach an even larger audience of users worldwide on many different products, platforms and services.
We’ve seen how Google’s developer efforts are designed to stimulate innovation across the web, and as developers have played a core role in the success of SageTV, we think our shared vision for open technology will help us advance the online entertainment experience.”
Kilde: Broadbandtvnews