Allente Nyt

Frekvensskifte hos Allente 13. januar

Allente, det tidligere Canal Digital / Viasat, har en række frekvensskifter på vej i januar på 1 grad vest. Det kan have betydning for dig, der modtager tv fra Allente men bruger kortlæsermodul og ikke tv-boksene fra Allente.

De nye frekvenser for kanalerne er aktive fra 13. januar. Kanalerne fortsætte på sine gamle frekvenser i en overgangsperiode indtil 15. marts.

Xee / See

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C02
Downlink frequency: 11229 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 4


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C02
Downlink frequency: 11229 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 4


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: BSS16
Downlink frequency: 12015 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 30,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 41

Discovery Science

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C06
Downlink frequency: 11293 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 24

BBC World News

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C05
Downlink frequency: 11278 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Vertical
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 3

CNN International

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

Cartoon Network

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

ID Investigation Discovery

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C04
Downlink frequency: 11260 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 33


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

Nick Jr.

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25


New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

MTV 00s

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

MTV 80s

New settings:
Satellite: Thor 5
Transponder: C08
Downlink frequency: 11325 MHz
Downlink polarisation: Horizontal
Symbol rate: 25,0 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4
DVB-S2, 8PSK, Pilot OFF
Transport Stream ID: 25

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Kære besøgende, DIGITALT.TV er et énmandsforetagende, der er afhængigt af reklameindtægter for at kunne fortsætte driften. Jeg beder dig venligst om at deaktivere din Adblocker på denne side. Uden reklameindtægterne har jeg desværre ikke mulighed for at holde siden kørende. På forhånd tak for din forståelse og støtte. Webredaktør Bo Kjærgaard