Dolby Vision opdatering klar til Oppo’s Ultra HD Blu-ray afspillere
Oppo’s High End Ultra HD Blu-ray afspillere, UDP-203 og UDP-205, kan nu firmwareopdateres til at understøtte Dolby Vision HDR standarden. Firmwaren indeholder også fejlrettelser og nye funktioner.
Her oversigten:
- Added Dolby Vision support. A Dolby Vision enabled TV is required to view content in Dolby Vision.
- Added Sharpness adjustment support for the 4K resolution.
- Improved HDMI audio stability when using an HDMI Split A/V connection
- Changed the color depth info display of the HDMI In port to 8b/10b/12b instead of 24b/30b/36b.
- General fixes and disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming UHD Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted samples.
UDP20X-45-0605 firmwaren kan hentes hos Oppo her
Tjek dagsprisen på Oppo UDP-203 her og UDP-205 her