Apple TV+ Nyt

Apple TV+ serien Silo slutter med sæson 4

Apple TV+ melder at de har fornyet deres dystopiske scifi drama serie Silo for en sæson 3 og 4. Samtidigt bliver den fjerde sæson så også seriens sidste, da man så har fortalt Hugh Howey’s bogserie i sin helhed.

Nyheden kommer kort tid efter sæson 2 havde premiere. Sæson 2 kører med ugentlige afsnit frem til og med 17. januar.

Reaktioner på nyheden fra pressemeddelelsen:

“It has been a richly rewarding experience to adapt Hugh’s epic novels with our partners at Apple, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring this complete story to the screen over the course of four seasons,” said showrunner and executive producer Graham Yost. “With the final two chapters of ‘Silo,’ we can’t wait to give fans of the show an incredibly satisfying conclusion to the many mysteries and unanswered questions contained within the walls of these silos.”

“The addictive, inventive and moving ‘Silo’ has had us hooked since day one and we’ve loved watching global audiences become equally enamored with the world that Graham Yost has created,” said Matt Cherniss, head of programming for Apple TV+. “As we look to seasons three and four of this ambitious, character-driven sci-fi series, which will conclude Juliette Nichols’ journey and complete Hugh Howey’s epic trilogy of novels. We can’t wait for everyone to experience more of the show’s powerful performances led by the incomparable Rebecca Ferguson, as well as the unexpected twists, turns and surprises that we’ve come to expect from this very human story.”

“I’ve loved every minute of bringing Juliette to the screen and am immensely proud of what we’ve all created with ‘Silo’ since the first episode,” said star and executive producer Rebecca Ferguson. “I have always felt passionately about telling the entire story contained within Hugh Howey’s books, so I couldn’t be happier that audiences around the world have enthusiastically embraced the show. Alongside our parters at Apple, Graham, and the entire cast and crew, I cannot wait to dive into these final two thought-provoking seasons that will beautifully conclude this dystopian tale.”

Kilde: Apple TV+ presse

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