
Viaplay lanceres snart for alvor i USA og Canada

Viaplay begynder at sælge streamingtjenesten direkte til kunder i USA fra 22. februar og Canada fra 7. marts. Det melder man i en pressemeddelelse.

Viaplay kommer på de breddegrader til at byde på mere 1500 timers indhold herunder Nordic Noir. Prisen bliver USD 5.99 og CAD 6.99 pr måned. Viaplay er allerede lanceret i Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Finland, Island, Estland, Letland, Litauen, Polen, Holland og Storbritannien.

Anders Jensen, Viaplay Group President and CEO: “In just two years, Viaplay has expanded from the Nordic region to become a truly international entertainment provider, both direct-to-consumer and through partners. Our premium storytelling, combined with world-class sports in our European markets, is helping to set us apart from the competition, and we tailor our offering to each new country. We see an appreciative core audience in North America for our stylish international content, and an attractive opportunity to take a specialised position in the world’s most dynamic streaming market.”

Vanda Rapti, Viaplay Group Chief Commercial Officer, North America & Viaplay Select: “The appetite for top-quality international content is higher than ever in North America, so the time is ideal to bring the best of Nordic storytelling direct to local audiences. Nordic design, creativity and scenery are already world-famous, and are on full display in the region’s films and series. Viaplay will show more of this unique content in North America than any other streamer – and ‘Nordic Noir’ is just the beginning.”

Kilde: Viaplay Group presse

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