TV Streaming premierer

The Upshaws – Sæson 5

Serie | Drama, Komedie


Bennie Upshaw (Mike Epps), the head of a Black working-class family in Indianapolis, is a charming, well-intentioned mechanic and a lifelong mess who’s just trying his best to step up and care for his family — wife Regina (Kim Fields), their two young daughters (Khali Daniya-Renee Spraggins, Journey Christine) and firstborn son (Jermelle Simon), the teenage son he fathered with another woman — and tolerate his sardonic sister-in-law (Wanda Sykes), all without a blueprint for success. But the Upshaws are determined to make it work, and make it to the next level, together. In this upcoming part, the Upshaws continue to ride life’s ups and downs, including new jobs, bigger dreams, health struggles, and some major life surprises — but still hanging on with the love that comes with family.

CAST: Mike Epps, Wanda Sykes, Kim Fields, Khali Daniya-Renee Spraggins, Jermelle Simon, and Journey Christine

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Kommer der flere sæsoner? The Upshaws – Sæson 7 bekræftet


Netflix serien The Upshaws får en sidste sæson som så bliver nummer 7 i rækken. Sæson 6 kommer i starten af 2025.

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