TV Streaming premierer

Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me

Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

After years in the limelight, Selena Gomez achieves unimaginable stardom. But just as she reaches a new peak, an unexpected turn pulls her into darkness. This uniquely raw and intimate documentary spans her six-year journey into a new light.

As a recording artist, Gomez has sold more than 210 million singles worldwide and amassed over 45 billion global streams of her music. This year, she received a Grammy nomination for her first all-Spanish EP and an Emmy nomination for her role in the critically acclaimed and award-winning series “Only Murders in the Building,” in which she stars opposite Steve Martin and Martin Short.

Alek Keshishian directed the most successful documentary of its time – the iconic, critically acclaimed film “Madonna: Truth or Dare,” still regarded as one of the most influential films of its genre.

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