The high-stakes family drama is written and created by Abby Ajayi (How to Get Away With Murder, Inventing Anna) and stars Deborah Ayorinde (Them, Truth Be Told), Hugh Quarshie (Absentia), Sarah Niles (Ted Lasso, I May Destroy You), Adeyinka Akinrinade (Top Boy, Temple), Ola Orebiyi (Cherry, A Brixton Tale), Nneka Okoye (Grantchester, The A List), and Emmanuel Imani (Cobra, Black Earth Rising).
Riches follows the exploits of the stylish, privileged, super-successful Richards family. When Stephen Richards (Hugh Quarshie) passes suddenly, the family’s world comes crashing down. As his business hangs in the balance, his different sets of children are about to collide as they vie for control.