Harry & Meghan
Dokumentar BEMÆRK denne titels premieredato er over et år gammel. Vi kan ikke garantere den er tilgængelig længere.
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Ugentligt frem til 15. december 2022
Dokumentarserie i 6 dele. Harry & Meghan dokumentaren frigives over to uger Volume I (Episodes 1-3) 8. december og Volume II (Episodes 4-6) on 15. december.
Harry & Meghan is an unprecedented six-part documentary series that explores the span of their relationship, from the early days of the couple’s courtship to the challenges and controversies that prompted them to step back from the royal family.
The series includes interviews with family and friends who’ve never spoken publicly about the couple’s relationship before, as well as historians and journalists who dissect how media influenced Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the royal family and the Commonwealth at large.
Hvor kan man se Harry & Meghan?
Du kan se Harry & Meghan på Netflix fra 8. december 2022Få Ugens TV og Streaming Tips tilsendt som nyhedsbrev hver fredag