TV Streaming premierer

Bono: Stories of Surrender

30 maj 2025
Apple TV+

Bono: Stories of Surrender ia a new documentary film hails from Academy Award-winning RadicalMedia and Plan B Entertainment, with Andrew Dominik directing

“Bono: Stories of Surrender” is a vivid reimagining of Bono’s critically acclaimed one-man stage show, “Stories of Surrender: An Evening of Words, Music and Some Mischief…” As he pulls back the curtain on a remarkable life and the family, friends and faith that have challenged and sustained him, he also reveals personal stories about his journey as a son, father, husband, activist and rock star. Along with never-before-seen, exclusive footage from the Beacon Theatre shows, the film features Bono performing many of the iconic U2 songs that have shaped his life and legacy.

Hvor kan man se Bono: Stories of Surrender?

Du kan se Bono: Stories of Surrender på Apple TV+ fra 30. maj 2025
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