MTG får ny dansk topchef

MTG, der blandt andet ejer Viasat, skal have ny topchef. Svenske Hans-Holger Albrecht forlader MTG i september for at blive CEO for det NASDAQ noterede Millicom International Cellular (‘Millicom’).
Hans-Holger Albrecht har siddet på topposterne hos MTG siden 2000, han kom til MTG 1997 og han får mange rosende ord med på vejen i forbindelse med sit kommende jobskifte.
“The Board would like to thank Hans-Holger for his huge contribution to the development and expansion of MTG over the past almost 12 years, as one of the longest serving and most successful CEOs in the industry. He has been instrumental in the Group’s rapid growth and the creation of an industry leading broadcaster with a unique geographical reach, balanced mix of pay and free-TV revenues, and strong financial position. Under his leadership, MTG’s sales have tripled since 2000 to SEK 13.5 billion in 2011, while the Group’s market capitalisation has increased to over SEK 21 billion with a low net debt level, and an additional SEK 7 billion has been distributed to shareholders in the form of equity or cash dividends and share buy-backs. Hans-Holger has not only managed the business through considerable change, but also created a lot of that change through a clear and accurate vision of the Group’s future potential. We wish him well at Millicom.”
Hans-Holger Albrecht udtaler: “I have greatly enjoyed my time at MTG and feel privileged to have worked with so many talented and dedicated people down the years. We benefitted from setting a clear course with long term goals and have remained true to that, which has enabled us to consistently outperform and create sustainable value. I am proud of what we have achieved as a team and of the building blocks we have put in place. MTG is a fantastic business and I wish the Group and all of my colleagues the very best for the future.”

Jørgen Madsen, der tager over efter Hans-Holger Albrecht, har været i MTG siden 2000 og har været i flere positionen i koncernen blandt andet som øverste chef for de danske aktiviteter. Jørgen Madsen kom til TV3 Danmark tilbage i 1994.
Jørgen Madsen udtaler: “I am excited by my new role and grateful to the Board for this opportunity. MTG is a great company with a strong culture and tradition of constant innovation. Our channels are now available in 36 countries spanning four continents, which is quite a platform on which to build, as we focus on further enhancing our content offering, embracing new technologies, and expanding into new markets.”
Kilde: MTG