Apple TV+ Nyt

Imperfect Women på vej på Apple TV+

- med Elisabeth Moss og Kerry Washington

Apple TV+ har annonceret at de har sikret sig en ny serie, Imperfect Women, baseret på Araminta Halls medrivende roman af samme navn. Den vil have Emmy Award-vinderne Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”, “Shining Girls”, “Mad Men”) og Kerry Washington (“Scandal”, “Little Fires Everywhere”, “UnPrisoned”) både på rollelisten og som executive producers.

Imperfect Women  beskrives som en usædvanlig psykologisk thriller, der undersøger en forbrydelse, der ødelægger livene for et langt venskab mellem tre kvinder. Serien udforsker skyld og gengældelse, kærlighed og forræderi samt de kompromisser, vi indgår, der uigenkaldeligt ændrer vores liv.

“From the moment I received Araminta’s novel, I couldn’t put it down. It was such an electrifying read; I fell in love with it immediately,” said Moss. “I’ve admired Kerry and her work as an actor and producer for many years, and have been looking for something to work with her on and was so thrilled that she responded to the material when we sent it to her and Pilar at Simpson Street. They were the first and only people we thought of. We are so happy that Apple and 20th Television agreed to partner with us on this, as well. It’s all an absolute match made in heaven.”

“I could not have been more thrilled to get this call from Elisabeth,” said Washington. “I have been an immense fan of hers — both as a brilliant actor and groundbreaking producer — for years. Elisabeth and Lindsey have impeccable taste, as evidenced by the way they have championed Araminta’s gripping novel, and I can’t think of a better person to bring this project to life on screen than the amazing Annie Weisman. ‘Imperfect Women’ is exactly the type of exciting, complex, raw storytelling we strive to create at Simpson Street. Pilar and I are tremendously inspired by the opportunity to team up with Love & Squalor Pictures, and we are thankful to everyone at Apple Studios and the team at 20th Television for believing in this project as much as we do.”

“I’m honored that Apple is once again trusting me to help bring complex, layered female characters to the screen,” said Weisman. “Elisabeth, Kerry and Araminta are the perfect collaborators to bring these ‘Imperfect Women’ to life.”

“I couldn’t be happier that my book has found a home at Apple, home of some of my favorite programs,” said Hall. “And to be working with Elisabeth and Lindsey is a dream. They have an incredible talent for story telling and immediately understood my book in exactly the way I meant it to be read. And then to have Kerry Washington on board is like a bonus on top of a bonus. My book couldn’t be in better hands.”

Kilde: Apple TV+ presse

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