Google klar med Chromecast løsning også til dig der har nulstillet

Google er nu endelig klar med en løsning også til de kunder der har nulstillet deres Chromecast eller Chromecast Audio efter et udløbet certifikat tilsyneladende var årsag til at de pludselig ikke virkede længere.
For at få dem til at virke igen skal du have nyeste version af Google Home app’en 3.30.106 på iOS eller på Android. Det er en app version der er på vej ud til alle, så eventuelt kan du skulle vente lidt på denne.
Her er hvad Google oplyser til sine kunder:
Thank you for your patience as we worked to resolve the issue with Chromecast (2nd gen) and Chromecast Audio devices. As of today, this disruption has been fixed.
If you did not perform a factory reset, your device should now function normally. If it is still not functioning as intended check the firmware version of your device by following the instructions here. If your device is not on the corresponding firmware version, please try rebooting your device to start the update process.
For users who have performed a factory reset, you will need to update your Google Home app to the latest version ( for Android and 3.30.106 for iOS) to set up your Chromecast (2nd gen) or Chromecast Audio device again. The app roll out has begun and may take a few days to roll out to everyone. We’ll post a confirmation once the roll out to all users is complete.
We sincerely apologize for this disruption and any inconvenience it may have caused, and we are committed to ensuring all users are back up and running as quickly as possible.