
ESPN, FOX og Warner Bros. Discovery starter fælles sportsstreamingtjeneste i USA

Der er store nyheder for de amerikanske sportsfans med nyheden om at ESPN, FOX og Warner Bros. Discovery vil gå sammen og skabe en fælles sportsstreamingtjeneste.

Den nye tjeneste vil samle rettighederne på én tjeneste, rettigheder der blandt omfatter NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, NHL, NASCAR, College Sports, UFC, PGA TOUR Golf, Grand Slam Tennis, FIFA World Cup og Cykling.

Tjenesten er sat til at blive lanceret i efteråret 2024, hvis alt ellers falder på plads.

Her nogle reaktioner på den nye aftale:

Bob Iger, Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company said, “The launch of this new streaming sports service is a significant moment for Disney and ESPN, a major win for sports fans, and an important step forward for the media business. This means the full suite of ESPN channels will be available to consumers alongside the sports programming of other industry leaders as part of a differentiated sports-centric service. I’m grateful to Jimmy Pitaro and the team at ESPN, who are at the forefront of innovating on behalf of consumers to create new offerings with more choice and greater value.”

Lachlan Murdoch, Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer of FOX said, “We’re pumped to bring the FOX Sports portfolio to this new and exciting platform. We believe the service will provide passionate fans outside of the traditional bundle an array of amazing sports content all in one place.”

David Zaslav, Chief Executive Officer of Warner Bros. Discovery, said “At WBD, our ambition is always to connect our leading content and brands with as many viewers as possible, and this exciting joint venture and the unparalleled combination of marquee sports rights and access to the greatest sporting events in the world allows us to do just that. This new sports service exemplifies our ability as an industry to drive innovation and provide consumers with more choice, enjoyment and value and we’re thrilled to deliver it to sports fans.”

En forklaring på at de tre har fundet sammen kunne være stigende konkurrence på rettigheder fra f.eks. Amazon Prime Video og Apple.

Kilde: ESPN presse

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