TV Streaming premierer

Virgin River – Sæson 4

Serie | Drama

Så er det igen blevet tid til at tage til det naturskønne Virgin River, hvor den nye sæson 4 fortsætter, hvor sæson 3 slap.

Sådan omtaler Netflix sæson 4:

“Despite not knowing whether her baby belongs to her deceased husband, Mark, or Jack, Mel has a sense of optimism. For years she yearned to be a mother, and her dream is one step closer to reality.

While Jack is supportive and excited, the question of paternity continues to gnaw at him. Complicating matters is the arrival of a handsome new doctor, who’s in the market to start a family of his own.

Hope is still healing from her car accident, and the lingering psychological effects of her brain injury will have profound consequences for both her and Doc.

Brie, intent on proving the innocence of the man she loves, unexpectedly finds herself in a closer relationship with Mike and one step closer to Calvin’s violent criminal web.

Even as Preacher forges a new romantic connection, he can’t help but hold out hope for being reunited with Christopher and Paige.”

Virgin River er også bekræftet til at få en sæson 5.

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