TV Streaming premierer

See – Sæson 2

Serie | Action, Drama, Scifi
27 aug 2021
SEE — Season 2 Official Trailer | Apple TV+

See er tilbage på Apple TV+ med sin anden sæson fra 27. august med 8 episoder der frigives ugentligt.

“See” is set in a brutal and primitive future, hundreds of years after humankind has lost the ability to see. In season two, Baba Voss (Momoa) is struggling to reunite his family while protecting them as the threat of war looms between the Kingdom of Paya and the Trivantian Republic. Despite his best efforts, his wife and sighted children are pulled to the forefront of the conflict, where they come to the attention of his estranged brother, Edo Voss (Bautista), a powerful and cunning Trivantian general, whose long-simmering hatred for his brother imperils them all even further.

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